viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

News about sport

Racism, one of the biggest problem that the humanity has had ever. When the humans were "borning" there weren´t any problem with that, logically, but while humanity were growing, the racism do it too.  In the roman civilitation there were slaves already, Always black people, from the north of Africa, and since the roman civilitation until now there are racism.

This football season has had racism durings som games, like the Villareal- Barcelona. Someone threw a banana to Dani Alves during this game, everyone were disgusted about  this thing. There were a campaing after this game for avoid this types of situations. A lot of famous people and players , in the advertisment ate a banana like a symbol against racism, This campaign were good for Dani Alves, that ate the banana that someone threw to him, that´s why in the advertisment everyone ate a banana.

I think that this kind of actions must be avoid for the people watching the games, and I very keen on this type of campaings against racism for a free of stupid people that think white people is better than black people.

 Someone threw a banana to Dani Alves, player of the FC Barcelona  during the game.

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014


  Hi everyone, I´m Ángel , I´m 15 and this is my blog. Here you can see different types of information, like P.E , about sports and experiences about them, also you can see information about the pineforest, in some places in the island, so I hope you will enjoy this blog.

sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

File 2

160 Is writed  TOPE
after that, is writed trote suave
Then, trote intenso
Finally, TOPE again

jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014




PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run) – Set to music, a paced, 20-meter shuttle run increasing in intensity as time progresses.


·         PACER: _51___ level


·         Body Mass Index:

BMI= weight (kg) / height (m2)=__68,15___


Measuring abdominal strength and endurance, students lie down with knees bent and feet unanchored.
Set to a specified pace, students complete as many repetitions as possible to a maximum of 75.

Measuring trunk extensor strength, students lie face down and slowly raise their upper body long enough for the tester to measure the distance between the floor and the student’s chin.


1 Inch=
2,54 cm


Measuring upper body strength and endurance, students lower body to a 90-degree elbow angle and push up.
Set to a specified pace, students complete as many repetitions as possible.



·         Shoulder Stretch: Yes/No
With one arm over the shoulder and one arm tucked under behind the back, students try to touch their fingers and then alternate arms

The HFZ is the health fitness zone. If you are in this zone, you are O.K but if you aren´t in this zone, you should do more physical activity. I am OK
YES , I am OK again.

My partner is: Carlos Piqué
My partner does the exercises of the battery following the right protocol? YES/NO
My partner follows the cadence of the exercise? YES/NO

Finally, could you write here your conclusions about this battery? If you think that you have healthy habits according to your results.

I think  I am ok according to the test. In fact I am more than ok because I do a lot of sport apart for the sport I practice in the school. I do football and run in several times. The test was good because in this way you can see if you are healthy but some of the exercises were a little be hard.

lunes, 7 de abril de 2014

"Cinco en raya"

 This term we already done the first topic, cinco en raya. This game consists of two teams, with  more or less 6 or 7 people per team.The rules are very simple: you can´t hit to the other player, the first team that do a line win the point. The court were 5x5.

The puntuation are like this: 3 points if it´s a diagonal line, and 1 point if it´s a straight line.
Our strategy was a good one because the only thing that I must do was go to the centre, then one player of my team go to the corner, and the another go in front of him. Then , you can´t go to the cones next to you, I mean, the corners of the court where the teams are cannot be occupied with the members of the team that are in that corner.

The experience of this game was fantastic. It was fun. You can play with your friends but not alone, This game mix strategy with speed, you must go fast to the cones, and strategy because you can´t go and win the game without planning the game before. Finally, the experience was positive and I had a good time with my classmates