viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

News about sport

Racism, one of the biggest problem that the humanity has had ever. When the humans were "borning" there weren´t any problem with that, logically, but while humanity were growing, the racism do it too.  In the roman civilitation there were slaves already, Always black people, from the north of Africa, and since the roman civilitation until now there are racism.

This football season has had racism durings som games, like the Villareal- Barcelona. Someone threw a banana to Dani Alves during this game, everyone were disgusted about  this thing. There were a campaing after this game for avoid this types of situations. A lot of famous people and players , in the advertisment ate a banana like a symbol against racism, This campaign were good for Dani Alves, that ate the banana that someone threw to him, that´s why in the advertisment everyone ate a banana.

I think that this kind of actions must be avoid for the people watching the games, and I very keen on this type of campaings against racism for a free of stupid people that think white people is better than black people.

 Someone threw a banana to Dani Alves, player of the FC Barcelona  during the game.

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